316SS Marine Grade 9mm Wide Clamps 8-14mm ABA

316SS Marine Grade 9mm Wide Clamps 8-14mm ABA
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316SS Marine Grade 9mm Wide Clamps 8-14mm ABA

316SS Marine Grade 9mm Wide Clamps 8-14mm ABA

SKU: AB 13014
Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships from Stock
Usually Ships from Stock
$2.77     /ea
Usually Ships from Stock
AB 13014

Premium 316 Stainless steel hose clamps for maximum corrosion resistance. Band is only 9mm wide for tight spaces and features no perforations so that it WILL NOT cut soft hoses like other hose clamps. 7mm Hex head screw. This is a genuine ABA brand clamp made in Europe and the preferred OEM clamp on many marine applications.

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