Starrett 14'6" x 1-1/4" x 2/3T Bandsaw Blade, 92515-14-06

Starrett 14'6" x 1-1/4" x 2/3T Bandsaw Blade, 92515-14-06
Images for general purposes only. Actual may be different than depicted.
Starrett 14'6" x 1-1/4" x 2/3T Bandsaw Blade, 92515-14-06

Starrett 14'6" x 1-1/4" x 2/3T Bandsaw Blade, 92515-14-06

SKU: ST 92515-14-06
Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships from Stock
Usually Ships from Stock
$267.93     /ea
Usually Ships from Stock
ST 92515-14-06
Replaces Carbide Tipped Type III for sawing tough materials that bi-metal blades cannot cut.

  • Ground tooth high quality micro-grained carbide welded to a tough, ductile backing, Advanz TS offers. exceptional resistance to fatigue, shock and wear resistance.
  • Improved carbide to back bonding and triple chip tooth geometry.
  • Improved tooth strip resistance and smooth surface finish.
  • High wear resistance when cutting difficult to machine steels, high-alloy metals, titanium, stainless steel, inconel, etc.
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