80" x 3/8" x 14/18tpiStarrett Bimetal M42 Band Saw Blade

80" x 3/8" x 14/18tpiStarrett Bimetal M42 Band Saw Blade
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80" x 3/8" x 14/18tpiStarrett Bimetal M42 Band Saw Blade

80" x 3/8" x 14/18tpiStarrett Bimetal M42 Band Saw Blade

SKU: ST 99125-06-08
Quantity Price Stock
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Usually Ships from Stock
$34.44     /ea
Usually Ships from Stock
ST 99125-06-08
6' 8" (80") x 3/8" Wide Starrett Premium M42 band saw blade for cutting a wide range of metals including aluminum, carbon steel and stainless steel. Always use metal cutting fluid or our metal cutting compound sticks when cutting metal to prolong blade life.

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