VT10461 V-band Hose Clamp

VT10461 V-band Hose Clamp
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VT10461 V-band Hose Clamp VT10461 V-band Hose Clamp

VT10461 V-band Hose Clamp

SKU: BR VT10461
Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships from Stock
Usually Ships from Stock
$24.28     /ea
Usually Ships from Stock
BR VT10461
Breeze VT10461 V-band clamp, .4.61" diameter, .050 gauge insert, .156 flange apex, 3/4in band width, Switzer 4LF 154977, Airsearch TE-0699, RG Ray 10039, Mack 4ME21409, Clampco 995VD-0461, Donaldson J009614, Dynaflex 40-400S, Nelson 89533K, Riker UV401, Stemco 250-8001, Walker 35498

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